Thursday, August 21, 2008

RIP addi turbo

Disaster struck as I was working away on my fiddlehead lace scarf. So here I was flying through the lace at an amazing don't go very fast using lace weight yarn and size 3 needles....anyway I sent my project down next to my recliner to make a cup of tea. I get back and pick up my project and to my horror one of my needles was bent in half. Tears start welling up in my eyes as I set my project down....I sit in silence wondering why me! And I should add that his was my very first pair of addi turbos which I have decided I love! So I am off to the yarn store in search of a replacement set of needles....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Poor needle! Poor YOU! :( I actually gasped when I read your jounral...Sad, sad day indeed....